Friday, May 25, 2012

Updates and Upcoming Events

As you may be wondering what happened at my appointment with the Neurologist, I thought I should fill you in.  I'm happy to say there was no electricity involved (other than the lights in the ceiling, of course,) and somewhat disappointed to report that I actually went to the appointment and not out shopping instead...which would always be my first choice!  I ended up quite sore afterward, as every initial visit to this type of doctor includes strength tests (pull as hard as you can on my hand...try and lift your leg as I push down on your knee, and so forth...) so I am glad it's over.  Two muscle relaxers and four Tylenol later,  and I've recovered quite nicely!

And although I didn't get to spend money on 'stuff I don't need', overall it was a productive day.  There seem to be some options for my future, which is always a plus...sometimes with CMT, you aren't left with any options.  I could do one of two things...either I can throw caution to the wind, and just have a blood test for type 2A (he thinks there is a good chance that's the type I have,) or there may be some researchers in Rochester who would take me on as a case study and run all the blood tests for FREE.  The downside is they may require me to have the NCV test before this happens, as part of the case study.  I have to check and make sure that's ALL they would require, before signing on the dotted line.  Meanwhile, the Neurologist assured me he would only have to test a couple of areas, which would certainly be different from the NCV tests I had as a child...back then there were so many electrodes hooked up to me, I could have lit up New York!  So I am waiting to hear about the Rochester researchers to see if that's even a possibility, before I make my final decision.

In the meantime, our next Art de Cure/CPO gallery event is coming up!  This is our lighter artist's reception called 'Pieces of Me' showcasing our latest gallery, installed on March 23rd.  I must say, it is an impressive sight...a lot of work was put into this installation, and I'm excited to celebrate!  If you're looking for something interesting to do on Friday night, June 1st (from 5--8pm,) stop on by the CPO building at 149 South Lake Avenue, Albany.  Light food and wine, great art, and an opportunity to meet some wonderful local artists...what could be better than that?  And thank you once again to everyone that helped make this gallery possible...especially you, M!  Have yourself a big glass of wine on deserve it!  I already know of a bunch of people who plan on coming, so it should be a lot of fun...and maybe we'll sell some art and raise more money for the CMTA, which is always our goal.  Hope to see you there!


  1. You bet I'll be there testing the wine and cookies.

    Hoping a few friends will be stopping by to meet the artists.

  2. I hope to come on Friday, I will try my best. Sending good thoughts always!
